

One of our big successes was getting the puzzles working and interacting with the keys. It took some time to come up with the types of puzzles to include, figure out how to incorporate them into the map itself, as well as time to build and code the puzzles. Another success was completing the map itself by making it easily traversable by the player and adding in all the rooms, decorations, and other elements within the manor. With the keys, puzzles, and map working together, the game itself became the biggest success throughout this development and we are proud of what we were able to accomplish.  


The most challenging part of making this game was finding time to work. With the varying schedules of each team member, it was very difficult finding good times to meet and message one another to problem solve and lay out what needed to be done. We ended up needing to divide tasks by comparing what each person wanted to do with the time they had in between classes. Some of these tasks were things like level design, puzzle design, asset work, sound design, and programming. In the end, we were able to work around the different schedules and create the final game.

Some Bugs:
-After the game is over (if you lose), the play again button stopped working after it  was built. Not sure if something was changed or because it only works in unity. After some testing, it seems that the bug is only present when you don't start the game from the start menu. Webgl and standalone builds should not be affected since it forces the player to start at the start screen.
-Playing again after you win (if the button works) made the audio double up. This could have easily been fixed with a singleton, but we ran out of time.

What we learned:

We learned quite a lot over the course of developing this game. Firstly, we were able to learn to manipulate the top-down camera angles and character movements. We were also able to work more with colliders and triggers to help the player travel around the map using doors and keys. We learned a lot about asset utilization and the different lighting techniques. Overall, working on this adventure game was a great learning experience and helped us further understand how to work with Unity.

Future revision:

Due to time limitations, we weren’t able to add in some of the different aspects of the game such as the dialog from the deceased prisoners who were also captured. They were going to be shown as skeletons in some of the other cages. Their purpose was supposed to be to provide hints to the player and help guide them in hopes that the player would escape since they couldn't. We had also planned on adding other layers to the manor such as a second floor, attic, and sub-basement area.

Get Escape the Manor

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